Extreme Sprint Team Sell out

Selling all racing parts!
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2023 1:09 pm

Extreme Sprint Team Sell out

Post by Tom_Watts »

Hello to all selling out our entire sprint car team, less engine and fuel pump.
$17,000.00 CDN
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2015 Eagle chassis

Tandem Axle open trailer with Tire racks and Storage,

All Specific Tools for Sprint Cars

Raceiver, Transponder, Fuel Jugs, Extra wheels and Tires, Slade Shock Package, 2 Complete Front ends, 2 complete rear ends (Ball Spline Coupler)
Extra Arms, Radius rods, Radiator, Front wings, wing trees and sliders, full set of gears.

Wheel wrench, bead breaker, tire Grover, Tire sype,

Car and team have been actively racing, car has not been sitting in a garage.

Tom Watts 780 909 0385